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Project Management

Are you frustrated by projects that are late, over budget, or miss the target? Many people within an organization are often expected to lead and manage projects. And just as often they have no formal project management training.


Our Project Management Workshop is highly interactive and participants leave with skills and tools they can apply immediately:


  • How to Define the Project and/or problem to be solved

  • Identify Key Stakeholders and Project Scope

  • Methods to identify and address Resource Constraints

  • Develop the Project Schedule and Key Milestones

  • Create a Risk Management Plan

  • Implement a Communication Plan for key stakeholders

  • Define Project Metrics by which success will be determined


Tools and forms are customized to align with your organization’s existing processes and branding for streamlined integration into your business processes. Workshops can be customized from half-day up to 2-day formats. 1.5 and 2-day programs include Case Studies and Team Project Report Outs to demonstrate effective use of tools and enhance team behaviors.

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Executive Lift customized a 1.5 day Project Management Workshop for Nipro PharmaPackaging in Millville, NJ. Participants learned critical skills to deliver projects on time and on budget, then put them to use in real-world case studies.

Getting the Best From Your People

Imagine what your team could accomplish if every person operated at their very best! After completing the Executive Lift Signature Leadership Workshop you will have the skills and knowledge to develop and lead High Performing Teams.


Through activities, exercises, and facilitated brainstorming you will develop critical Leadership behaviors.  Topics include Presence, Setting Clear Expectations, delivering Effective Communication and Feedback to drive performance, and how to inspire individuals to drive their internal Motivation.

Optimize Your Energy!

Stress is a part of life, and affects us both positively and negatively. In this one-hour highly interactive webinar you learn how to identify  sources and uses of energy unique to you.


Participants learn tools to help elevate their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy and move across the Energy Optimization Matrix.  You finish the webinar with a simple, repeatable call to action that allows for gradual and continual improvement sustainable for life.

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